Chaibaba is a place where magic, love and community intertwine.
Success means giving back – providing space for those in need and embodying the change we want to see in the world. It’s a journey of mindfulness, connection and care.
Why is Tea so special to us? For Chaibaba, tea serves as a connector of earth, people and ceremony. The natural plants in our teas help link us:
- They connect us to people growing these plants in different parts of the world, acting like a global bridge that binds us to individuals and traditions from all around the world.
- It’s a way to express our reverence and respect for the land and its people, one cup at a time.
We consider it an honour to have these plants, such as Camellia Sinensis, available to us in North America, unifying us across the earth.

For over a decade, Crystal Russell has been the caretaker of Chaibaba.
Growing up in a multicultural environment close to nature, Crystal cultivated a profound connection with the natural world and a talent for bridging communities with the help of tea.
Tea became an integral part of her daily life – a symbol of unity in diversity. The traditions she encountered were not exotic; they were part of her reality.
Now, this connection serves as our inspiration: to share the magic of nature with our community by offering them a piece of the natural world.
Tea embodies the natural elements of Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Ether

What truly sets Chaibaba apart are the incredible people who walk through our doors.
“The staff, the customers… I just love them. They blow my mind and bring me to tears, and I love sharing tea with them.
They inspire me. What they’re capable of, the adventures they go on, and who they are. Their hidden talents, their outward talents, their kindness and compassion.
Because everyone is magic. It’s just letting them find their magic and letting it shine through. I love that. It moves me every single day.”
-Crystal Russell